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Mobile - 50 Interesting facts

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1. The mobile game "Send Me to Heaven" involves throwing your phone as high in the air as you can. The creator said he made it with the hope of destroying as many iPhones as possible, but Apple banned it from the App Store.

2. The author of the science fiction novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", published in 1968, said “There will come a time when it isn't 'They're spying on me through my phone' anymore. Eventually, it will be 'My phone is spying on me'.”

3. When Android was unveiled in 2007, Nokia was quoted as saying "we don't see this as a threat," and a member of Microsoft's Windows Mobile team stated "I don't understand the impact that they are going to have."

4. George Hotz, then 17 years old, was the first to unlock a first generation iPhone and sold the iPhone for a Nissan 350z and 3 locked iPhones.

5. In late 2004, Samsung had the opportunity to buy Android, but passed on the investment because they did not see any potential. Google acquired it two weeks later.

6. If your phone's GPS tracks going over 1,000MPH, it legally is required to deactivate as it probably means it's being used to guide a missile.

7. 8 of the 10 most sold mobile phones ever are from Nokia.

8. There's more gold in a ton of mobile phones than a ton of gold ore. It takes a ton of ore to get 1g of gold, but you can get the same amount from recycling 41 mobile phones.

9. As Apple is granted "Slide-to-Unlock" patent, they in a case against Motorola also argued “a tap is a zero-length swipe.”

10. Angry Birds and Clash of Clans have helped rejuvenate Finland's economy after Nokia's downfall.

11. James Cameron would use a nail gun to nail the film crew's cell phones to a wall in retaliation for unwanted ringing during the production of Avatar.

12. A Florida man named Steve Moon was stranded on a sandbar with sharks circling around him. He kept them at bay with a fishing pole for an hour and a half, after which he remembered he had a cell phone and called for help.

13. In mobile games, 60% of revenues come from 0.23% of players.

14. Foxconn, the iPhone manufacturer, has reduced its employees from 110,000 to 50,000, thanks to the introduction of robots.

15. The first call ever made on a cell phone was from an engineer named Martin Cooper calling a rival engineer to brag about his accomplishment.

16. TV show Scrubs used a real phone number on an episode, that went to a prepaid cell phone the cast would hand around to each other and would answer.

17. Nokia has made a concept phone that charges using body heat.

18. A bar owner in the UK once built a Faraday cage around his bar to prevent patrons from using their cell phones.

19. The first streaming music service started in 1897. Users in New York could pick up their phones & connect to the Telharmonium, a central hub that would pipe music being played live by two musicians playing 24 hours a day.

20. Facebook Turned Down WhatsApp Founder Brian Acton for a Job before they bought his app for 19 Billions dollars.

21. Steve Wozniak is a collector of phone numbers. After acquiring the number 888-8888 for his cell phone, it proved to be unusable because babies playing with phones kept on calling it.

22. Snapchat founder Evan Spiegel's networth is $1.5 billion at the age of 24, making him the world's youngest billionaire

23. Apple spends $236 to make each iPhone 6s Plus device, which it sells for over three times that value at $749. Also, a 64GB iPhone costs Apple about $17 more to make than a 16 GB iPhone, but Apple charges iPhone buyers $100 more for the increased memory.

24. The voice of male UK Siri, Jon Briggs, did not know he was the voice of Siri until he recognized his own voice on an iPhone 4s commercial.

25. In 2011, a Norwegian boy named Walter Acre escaped from wolves by playing a heavy metal song by Megadeth on his cell phone.

26. Christopher Nolan, director of The Dark Knight trilogy and Inception, among other films does not use a cell phone or an e-mail because he's just "not interested", it gives him "time to think", and he also prohibits them on the set of a movie.

27. After an 11 year study, cell phones were shown not to increase chances of getting cancer.

28. The electricity needed to power an iPhone for a year costs only $0.47.

29. AT&T installed a fiberoptic splitter at its facility at 611 Folsom Street in San Francisco that makes copies of all emails, web browsing, and other Internet traffic to and from AT&T customers (including data from iPhones and iPads), and provides those copies to the NSA.

30. An iPhone has about 75 elements in it i.e., two-thirds of the periodic table.

31. iPhone game Clash of Clans generates more than $2 million per day, and in three years is valued at more than $3 billion.

32. Curiosity is an 'experimental' online mobile game by Peter Molyneux promising the winner a 'life-changing' prize. There was a winner (Scott Bryan Henderson), back in May of 2013. He still hasn't gotten his prize.

33. Most modern handheld devices like iPhones contain a mineral called "coltan" that is being produced as a commodity by slaves exploited by rebel armies in the Congo.

34. Phones have an asterisk and pound sign because when Bell Labs designed the first touch-tone phone, their system had two tones which were not assigned values. So, they threw in * and #.

35. In Japan, mobile phone's camera shutter sound cannot be muted.

36. A California teenager named Steven Ortiz traded up to an old phone on Craigslist for different items until he eventually acquired a Porsche.

37. In 1992, rapper Mac Dre was charged with conspiracy to commit robbery and sentenced to 5 years in prison after he refused a police deal, which was informing law enforcement about his partners. While awaiting trial Mac Dre recorded a full album over the phone, taunting law enforcement officials.

38. Since most people in Japan and China use their phones or computers to phonetically convert the Latin alphabet to type Chinese characters, more people are forgetting how to write some characters by hand. On a Chinese TV show, only 30% of participants could write "toad", 癞蛤蟆 (Lài há ma).

39. The area code for the International Space Station phone (ISS) is a Houston area code, 281.

40. 16% of cell phones are contaminated with E. coli bacteria from fecal matter.

41. Each person has a "walking signature" that can be detected by their smartphone's accelerometer data; the signature persists even if you change phones.

42. There was a woman named Aubrey Ireland who had a restraining order on her parents for installing a keylogger on her computer and cell phone and driving 600 miles from Kansas to Ohio for unannounced visits.

43. In 2011, Fredericton police gave out Pizza Hut coupons to drivers who pulled over to talk on their cell phones.

44. Mobile phones often have two completely different phone numbers attached to them which are both usable. One is the one you think your number is and the other is called a Mobile Identification Number (MIN), a number your carrier uses to ID you.

45. 90 to 95% of mobile phone sales in Japan were waterproof because Japanese young girls are so fond of their mobile phones they even use them in the shower.

46. According to the UN, only 64% (4.5 b illion/7 billion) of the world's population has access to a toilet, while 86% (6 billion/7 billion) has access to a mobile phone.

47. T-Mobile collects the web pages you visit on your T-Mobile phone, even if you are using WiFi and not their network.

48. Siri was supposed to be for Android and BlackBerry phones before Siri, Inc. was bought by Apple back in April of 2010.

49. In 2009, Disney-owned Lucasfilm successfully sued Verizon Wireless over their line of Android phones named “DROID” as "droid" is a registered trademark of LucasFilm. Since the Steve Jobs Trust is one of Disney's largest shareholders, Jobs' estate makes money when a DROID is sold.

50. The first design of the iPhone was made back as far as 1983, which looks more like the iPad, but with an actual phone attached.

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