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Brain - 53 Interesting facts

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1. The size of a typical brain is almost 2% of a body’s weight but is uses 20% of the body’s energy and oxygen intake. Now, when you use your brain much, be cautious, you are actually burning a lot of calories, indeed. Even at rest, it is estimated to use one-fifth of a calorie.

2. 73% of the brain is filled with water. If it gets dehydrated by anything more than 2% of it, the person may suffer loss in attention, memory and cognitive skills.

3. The human brain is the fattiest organ in the body. It contains 60% fat out of its total weight of 3 pounds.

4. Did you know that of all the cholesterol present in the human body, 25% is available in the brain? And it is also vital for brains cells.

5. And the number of brains cells is close to 100 billion, according to some estimate.

6. If you starve your brain for oxygen for five minutes, the brain may get damaged.

7. Brain grows rapidly in babies. A two year old baby will have an 80% fully grown brain. Remember, this is the time you need to pay attention to your babies to help them develop good habits and behaviors.

8. As per an estimate, information in the brain moves at a speed of 260 miles per hour.

9. Interestingly, the largest brains are those of sperm whales, weighing about 8 kg (18 lb).

10. During the course of evolution of human beings, our brain is getting smaller and has shrunk in size similar to that of a tennis ball. Though, this is estimated to have happened over a period of 10-20,000 years.

11. Multi-tasking is bad for performance. Multi-tasking makes you brain toggle back and forth between several tasks. This causes drop in attention span, performance, learning and short-term memory.

12. The attention spans of human brain are getting shorter. We have lost almost four seconds of our attention span in the past 15 years. This means we cannot concentrate on a thing for more than 8 seconds on an average.

13. Your brain also has the ability to eat itself in case of lack of energy. To ward off starvation, brain cells can eat other brain cells.

14. Human brain has amazing potential to store a vast amount of energy. It does not get exhausted like a computer disk or RAM.

15. Brain is used while sleeping also. It is active all the time.

16. Frequent flying causes headaches. Yes, a study reveals that almost 6% of the people who get headaches were affected by flying.

17. When you are laughing, five areas in your brain are active.

18. Interested in seeing a collection of brains, visit Harvard. There are 7000 brains preserved for research purposes.

19. Everyone dreams during the night time. And the average is 4-7 dreams per night.

20. Insulin while regulating blood sugar in the human body is also responsible for better memory.

21. It is all about your mental strength. And you can ever stay healthy and fit with a positive attitude and good mental health. Studies have revealed a connection between physical illness and poor mental health.

22. Women take longer to make decision compared to men.

23. Brain also has the ability to read someone’s face. You could read someone’s emotions and feelings just by looking at their face. Your brain is actually supplying your with the information to judge someone else’ mood.

24. When you yawn, you supply more oxygen to the brain. Even reptiles, birds and mammals yawn. Neurotransmitters in the brain control this behavior.

25. Brain development is stimulated by reading aloud and talking to young children.

26. Brain structure and function are altered when an individual is exposed to excessive stress.

27. Talking to babies is helpful in developing their vocabulary, a study reveals.

28. Brain receives approximately 20% of the blood flowing out of the heart. This blood flow is important to support the metabolic activities of neurons.

29. Cerebellum is the part of the human brain which is responsible for maintaining posture, walking and movement coordination. It weighs about 150 grams and is located at the lower back of the brain.

30. Did you know that you can store up to 7 digits in your working memory? This is why the telephone numbers in the United States are seven digits long.

31. The brain is the center of the human nervous system.

32. There are two sides in human brain. Each side of the brain interacts with the opposite side of the body. The left side of the brain interacts with the right side of the body, and vice versa. The reason behind this way of interaction is still not understood.

33. The skull (cranium) is a protective case covering the brain. It is made up of 22 bones.

34. Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis are diseases of the brain.

35. The average human brain is 140 mm wide, 167 mm long and 93 mm high.

36. The human brain can produce enough electricity to light a small electric bulb. The brain consumes glucose from the body to produce this amount of the energy.

37. There are 150,000 miles of blood vessels scattered throughout the brain. These blood vessels carry blood and oxygen to various parts of the brain.

38. Touch is the first sense that a human brain learns to detect. No doubt, why our brain is so equipped to differentiate self and external touch so well.

39. Proper sleep is essential for brain activities and memory retention. During sleep, the brain accumulates all the memories from the whole day.

40. Sea food is good for the development of brain. You can improve your memory function if you choose to eat sea food regularly. The fatty acid present in such foods does the job of improving your memory.

41. Every time you memories something, the brain forms new connections.

42. Einstein’s brain, which weighed 1230 grams, was kept in a jar for almost 20 years. It was removed under 7 and a half hours of his death.

43. Human brain keeps developing until the age of late 40s. It is the only organ in the human body to undergo development for such a long time. It also sees more changes than any other organ.

44. The human brain is also the largest and most powerful sex organ.

45. According to scientists, they have more knowledge about stars than they have about the human brain. For them it is the most complex and mysterious thing to learn about.

46. Ancient people considered heart, stomach and other organs as more important than the brain. This is why they pulled the brain through the nose and threw away its pieces while making mummies.

47. More than 100,000 chemical reactions happen in the human brain every second.

48. The brain cannot feel pain.

49. The number of brain cells at the age of two is more than the number of brain cells during the lifetime of any individual.

50. During pregnancy, a woman’s brain shrinks. It takes 6 months to regain its full size.

51. Replacement of brain cells could lead to loss of memory, if ever done.

52. The heaviest normal human brain weighed 4.43 pounds. It belonged to the Russian writer Ivan Turgenev. And the smallest brain, just 2.41 pounds, belonged to a woman.

53. Encephalograph is the instrument used to measure brain’s electrical sensitivity.

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