Body Facts

Body Facts

Cancer - 47 Interesting facts

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1. The word cancer comes from the Latin for ‘crab’.

2. Even lack of physical exercise can be a cause of cancer. Other well known causes of this deadly disease are: use of tobacco, obesity, and exposure to radiation and pollutants.

3. Cancers can be hereditary. And in fact, 5-10% of the cancers are hereditary. Unfavorable environment can also cause you cancer.

4. Do not be amazed to learn that only tobacco has killed at least 50 million people in the last ten years. So, if you are consuming tobacco in any form, this fact might be a valid reason, why you should quit it at the earliest.

5. Cancer is not a disease in particular. It is a condition where growth of abnormal cells in the body goes out of control. It is an uncontrolled division of the cells that are harmful to the body.

6. There are more than 200 types and sub-types of cancers that can affect an individual.

7. Deaths caused by cancers are quite prevalent. One in every eight deaths is caused by cancers.

8. Hot dogs are also known as a cause of cancer, and more than 20 billion hot dogs are eaten only in the United States every year. Nitrates–considered as carcinogens–are used to preserve these food items.

9. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women in the U.S.; and it is the second leading cause of deaths in women, after lung cancer.

10. Did you know that breast cancer is more common in the left breast than the right.

11. In the U.S. alone; 40,290 deaths from breast cancer were reported in 2015.

12. Not just women, men can also get breast cancer.

13. Cancers are also preventable. Researchers believe that almost half of these cancers and deaths related to them can be prevented.

14. The American Cancer Society estimates that 1500 people die of cancers everyday.

15. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. It can be prevented by exposure to ultraviolet light, either artificially (from tanning beds) or naturally from the sun. (Read some interesting facts about the Sun)

16. Physical activity in women who are affected with breast cancer can relieve the chances of death.

17. More than 28 million people worldwide have survived from cancers. This fact signifies the extent of research and medical advancement in the field of cancer.

18. Breast feeding can lower chances of cancer in women. And there are numerous other advantages of breast feeding.

19. The largest group of cancers in history from a single source happened at the time of Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

20. If you are married, you are at a lower risk of getting affected with cancer whether you are a man or a woman.

21. Cancer patients tend to do suicide once it is revealed that they are affected with cancer. Men are prone to killing themselves after it is established that they are affected.

22. Every day we tend to produce 200-1000 cancerous cells. Healthy individuals’ immune system neutralizes them all. And until these cells grow to a number in millions or billions, cancer cannot be detected by testing.

23. Moreover, if your immune system is not as efficient as it should be, you have higher chances of getting affected with cancers than otherwise.

24. WHO says that the lack of a proper diet is a cause of almost 70% percent of cancers.

25. Young girls can get affected by breast cancer later in their life if they chose to smoke while they were young.

26. If you want to avoid the chances of cancer catching up with you – take exercise, breathe clean air deeply, eat green foods, don’t smoke, and eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.

27. Mitochondria–the power house of cells–gets damaged in cancer cells.

28. Yeast and glucose can augment cancer as cancer cells love these two things. If you have low blood sugar level, you will tend to survive longer when affected with cancer. You can starve cancer cells by not feeding them with what they love the most i.e. yeast and glucose.

29. Liver in cancer affected patients gets overworked. Cancer cells produce lactic acid and it can only be burnt down by the liver.

30. Sodium in excess can be damaging to the mitochondria in your cells. And in turn you may get affected by some form of cancer.

31. A single cigarette contains around 4800 chemicals. And 70 of these are cancer causing chemicals or carcinogens.

32. There is a significant connection between height and cancer risk. Taller women tend to have high chances of getting affected with cancers.

33. Dogs can also sniff cancers. In Italy trained dogs have sniffed out the scent of prostate cancer in urine samples with a success rate of 98 percent.

34. Treatment of cancer is expensive in the U.S. than it is in India. This is mainly due to the cost of medicines in the U.S., which is very high.

35. Air pollution can cause lung cancer and may also increase the risk of bladder cancer.

36. At least 35% people affected with cancer die in the U.S. every year.

37. Dogs also die of cancer. And they are more susceptible to this deadly disease when they attain the age of 10.

38. Low and middle income countries are the most affected with cancer. At least 70% of deaths affected with cancer happen in these countries.

39. Tobacco causes 22% of all cancer related deaths.

40. Early detection and adequate treatment can be sufficient to cure breast, cervical and colorectal cancers.

41. In U.A.E. breast and colon cancers are the most common form of cancers affecting females and males respectively.

42. Breast cancer is still a taboo in the U.A.E. Majority of the women in the U.A.E and other developing countries do not get checked, mostly due to lack of awareness and shyness of being checked by a male doctor.

43. Cancer is also an indication of multiple nutritional deficiencies.

44. Radiation for treating cancer also kills healthy cells alongside the affected cancerous cells. And cancer treatment can affect vital organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys etc.

45. Foods that can elevate cancer include: milk, meat, sugar based things, acidic things, coffee, tea, protein etc.

46. Cancer affects the mind, body and soul of a person and hence while treating it, a patient needs to adopt an overall approach. You need to be relaxed, positive and enjoy life even when the diagnosis is confirmed.

47. Oxygen kills cancerous cells. It is advisable to inhale more oxygen by means of exercising and deep breathing.

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