Body Facts

Body Facts

Pain - 25 Interesting facts

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1. The reason rubbing alcohol burns when applied to cuts is because exposed VR1 nerve cells in the cut, which normally detect burning hot temperatures, have their pain threshold lowered by alcohol, so much that your own body temperature causes the burning sensation. 

2. When ignored by the person whose attention means the most to you, the reaction in your brain is similar to that of physical pain. 

3. Until 1987, heart surgeries (and other surgeries) were performed on babies with no anesthesia, as it was commonly believed that babies could not feel pain. 

4. A CIA handbook taught torture methods, and stressed the importance of psychological over physical torture. The threat of inflicting pain triggered fears more damaging than the pain itself, because people often underestimated their capacity to withstand pain. 

5. In a 2008 Duke study, patients received painful electric shocks. Afterwards, $0.10 cent placebo pill was given to test subject, which alleviated pain for about 64% of the participants. A $2.50 placebo pill reduced pain for 85% of participants. 

6. The Black Mamba snake, one of the most poisonous snakes in the world, contains pain-relieving compounds called mambalgins which could be a better painkiller (and with less side effects) than morphine. 

7. Sudden testicular pain can be a symptom of testicular torsion. It occurs in about 1 in 160 males before 25 years of age and if not treated within 6 hours, can result in loss of the testicle. 

8. Swearing can increase pain tolerance and reduce the fear of being in pain. 

9. The writer of the movie Alien suffered from Crohn’s disease and created the chestburster inspired by the horrific pains he suffered. 

10. In 2010, robotics experts at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia created a robot solely to punch human beings in the arm to test pain thresholds so that future robots can comply to the first law of robotics. 

11. If poison ivy is burned and the smoke then inhaled, rash will appear on the lining of the lungs, causing extreme pain and possibly fatal respiratory difficulty. 

12. In addition to typical aches and pains, Tylenol actually alleviates psychological pain (e.g. social rejection). 

13. A Boston doctor uses tricks to minimize pain when treating children. In one case one of his patients received 6 stitches on her head without even realizing it happened. 

14. Having chronic pain can damage your brain over time because of constant brain activity in areas of the brain that should normally be at rest. 

15. The number of prescription pain-relieving meds-related deaths over 10 years is four times higher than the rate of deaths from cocaine and heroin combined. 

16. The real name for brain freeze is ‘sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia’. The pain receptors in the mouth signal to the brain however the same nerves are also in the forehead. The brain mixes up the location of the pain and thus you get the resulting headache. 

17. Pain signals sent by an irritated diaphragm will be felt in the shoulder. The stabbing sensations near the heart that are sometimes felt after consuming a fatty meal are often confused with heart attacks but are nothing more than symptoms of indigestion. 

18. Women have twice as many pain receptors as men. 

19. In 2001, a construction worker in Pennsylvania accidently sawed off his hand and, due to the severe pain and shock attempted to kill himself with a nail gun, but failed even after 12 nails to the head. 

20. John F. Kennedy took meth to manage pain from war injuries and “to keep his youthful image” 

21. A man in India has had his hand raised since 1973 in devotion to Shiva enduring excruciating pain and rendering his arm a useless atrophied appendage. 

22. Although platypus venom is non-lethal to humans, it can cause excruciating pain for months and even morphine has no effect in relieving the pain. 

23. Queen Victoria used cannabis to alleviate her menstrual cramp pain. 

24. Experiments have revealed that doctor’s assessments of pain are influenced by how attractive a patient is. 

25. Drinking vodka or any other form of liquor will actually ease the pain of a hot pepper. 

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