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Narendra Modi - 25 Interesting facts

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1. A young Narendra Modi was rebellious just like the current one is. He stood up to his parents and rejected the proposal of his marriage to a juvenile girl who lived nearby. Yes, it created a lot of issues but he stood string to his decision and began living a solitary life. He even used to avoid other people and seek solace in quiet places.

2. He is a workaholic. He never keeps anything else but works, on his top priority. For the same reason, he never took a holiday or called in sick during his 13 years of service as the Chief Minister of Gujrat. Also, he only had 3 staffs to himself, even if was entitled to several staffs.

3. After seeking wisdom and guidance from the intellectual yogis, Modi decided to get back to the world and live a normal life. He began by selling tea in ‘kulhads’ at his uncle’s canteen in Ahmedabad at Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation. A ‘special tea’ cost 2 annas and a ‘normal tea’ one anna.

4. After meeting the president of Ramakrishna mission, Swami Madhavnanda Maharaj, he presented his wish to accept him as a hermit. Though, Swamiji rejected his request and advised him to go back and complete his studies. Also, he was underaged as per the admission process.

5. He is a religious person and fasts for the entire nine days during the Navratri celebration. In the evening he just breaks his fast by eating just one fruit of his choice and then resumes the fast for next day.

6. As you can tell, he is a morning person. No matter if he hits the bed at 12 or 3, he will leave his bed by 5 and begin his morning rituals. He loves sipping on masala ginger tea after his exercises with his Gujrati breakfast.

7. He uses his left hand to eat with a spoon and writes with his right hand. Though he was born a left-handed person his zeal to use his right hand has transformed into an ambidextrous who can equally use both his hands.

8. Pissed off from the current state of his life, he quit his college with the purpose of leaving all worldly things behind and dedicate his life to religious activities. He packed his things and took off from home to travel to Belur Math in Kolkata where he sought shelter.

9. It was during this time, the political fire sparked inside Narendra Modi. From here on, there was no looking back. He went on to become a full-time political preacher who supported the RSS. Though it was not a bed of roses in the beginning. His first job in RSS was to mop the floor at RSS headquarters in Ahmedabad.

10. Modi completed his graduation very late. He was 28 years old when he graduated from the very famous Delhi university. He could have easily finished his graduation if he hadn’t fled seeking peace and solace in a hermit life.

11. It was after a gap of 45 years that Modi again visited Swami Atmasthananda, the same person who had predicted that he will do spectacular things in his future. When he met him, he told Swamiji,’said, “Aapne mujhe bhaga diya tha us samay isiliye main aaj mukhyamantri hu “.

12. It was that time, precisely after Modi had angered his parents by turning down the arranged marriage. He wanted to go away and become a sannyasi leaving all worldly materialistic things others were after. He was so annoyed with people that living in solitude as a religious discipline felt much better to him.

13. Modi is a spiritual person. He lives a healthy and simple life. He doesn’t believe in any kind of drug use to relieve stress or entertain himself. Also, he follows a strict vegetarian diet and practices yoga every morning without skipping.

14. You must think that being a global personality Modi likes to get clicked, but it’s the exact opposite. He loves to click pictures and has a passion for photography. The photographs that he has clicked so far has helped him earn an exhibition.

15. After his work in the canteen, he used to swim in the Sharmishtha lake which was near his house. He loved to swim all the way to a temple in the middle of the lake, touch the flag on its top and return to the shore. One day, he got hit by a crocodile’s tail that left him with nine stitches on his left foot. Villagers claim that the lake had 29 crocs living in it.

16. After getting rejected in Kolkata, Modi traveled to Rajkot to see the chief of Ramakrishna Mission. It was he, who convinced him to stop about thinking to take sannyasa and get back toh the world. Swami Atmasthananda saw something unique in Modi and said,’You are meant to achieve spectacular things in life.’

17. He has been into writing since his young days. Till date, he has written numerous books and poems. At the age, if 36, he wrote a book called ‘Sakshibhaav’ which was a complication of his conversation with Jagad Janni Maa. His famous poems include- Tahuke Vasant, Gay Ano Garbo etc.

18. He is very specific about the choice of his clothes. First and last, his clothes are meant to be non-creased. Also, he wears most of his clothes that come from a textile factory called ‘Jade Blue’ which is located in Ahmedabad.

19. It might appear as a shock but because the US government thought Modi was linked to Gujrat riots, they rejected his visa for over 9 years. After he became PM, things changed. After becoming PM, he was invited over to the United States.

20. This was something unusual. While Modi visited Rajkot and met Swamiji, he not only persuaded him to drop the idea of living a life of a hermit but also advised him to keep a beard. I have no idea why, but it is something Modi still follows.

21. You must think that our Pm lives a grand life and so does his family and relatives. But the truth is the exact opposite. Modi never shared his political and government residence with anyone, even when he was a CM. Now that he a PM, he still stays alone and doesn’t share his residence with family. Not even his mother.

22. Every day he reaches his office at sharp and begins his official tasks. Narendra Modi spends the next hour talking to his minister and taking every detail of what is going on and what are the plans for the day.

23. Narendra Modi earns around Rs. 20 Lakhs in a year, most of which he donates. Moreover, when compared with the world’s political leaders, his income isn’t even peanuts. Just so you know, trump earns around $400,000 per annum.

24. As advised by both the Swamji’s, Modi returned to her house in Vadnagar, but the worldly life was just too much for him. He couldn’t bear stying around so many people. So, he fled again. This time, he chooses to explore the Himalayas and spent the next two years meeting yogis and sadhus.

25. He is the cleanest political person ever. When he became the CM of Gujrat, his mother just asked him to promise her one thing which was never to take a bribe. She had said, “Beta, kadi lanch na leis.” (Son, never take a bribe.) Something that he still follows.

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