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Body Facts

Adolf Hitler - 100 Interesting facts

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1. During WWI, a British soldier showed mercy to a wounded German infantryman, who later turned out to be Adolf Hitler.

2. During WWII, during Operation Mincemeat, British intelligence successfully deceived Hitler into thinking the Allies were landing in Greece rather than Sicily by dressing up a dead homeless man in a captain's uniform, fitting him with fake documents, and dropping him off the coast of Spain

3. Man who named his children Adolf Hitler and Arian Nation claims unfair treatment

4. Adolf Hitler (1938), Joseph Stalin (1939, 1942) and Ayatollah Khomeni (1979) all were TIME “Person of the Year.”

5. Francisco Franco ordered many of the same deadly xenophobic/religious “solutions” as Hitler and Mussolini (and was asked to join the Axis during WW2), but managed to remain neutral enough that Richard Nixon memorialized him as: “loyal friend and ally of the United States.”

6. The skull recovered by the Soviets in 2000, that was believed to have been Adolf Hitler's was tested in 2009 and was confirmed to be a woman in her 30s.

7. There were over 40 assassination attempts on Adolph Hitler

8. After Jesse Owens won 4 gold medals in the 1936 Olympics held in Berlin, Adolf Hitler sent Owens a commemorative inscribed cabinet photograph of himself. Honors were not bestowed upon Jesse Owens by either President Franklin D. Roosevelt or his successor Harry S. Truman during their terms.

9. When coming to power in January 1933, the Nazi Party passed a comprehensive set of animal protection laws, with Hitler saying "In the new Reich, no more animal cruelty will be allowed."

10. A German author published his novel in 2012 called Er ist Wieder da (He's back again) in which Hitler wakes up in modern Berlin with no memories since 1945 and becomes a comedian.

11. The French Resistance cut the elevator cables to the Eiffel Tower to keep Hitler from visiting it during his visit when Paris fell. When faced with the prospect of climbing over 1500 stairs, he opted out.

12. Hitler orchestrated what was the most powerful anti-smoking movement in the world during the 1930s and early 1940s.

13. Nearly all profits from Hitler’s "Mein Kampf", his image and his artwork go to charity. Bavaria owns the rights and sometimes has difficulty finding a charity to accept them, as they are widely considered "blood money."

14. One of Hitler's personal chauffeurs (Emily Maurice) and close friends was found to be Jewish and was targeted for expulsion from the SS by Heinrich Himmler. Upon hearing that Maurice was of Jewish descent Hitler made an exception for Maurice and his brothers calling them "honorary Aryans."

15. If Hitler's father hadn't changed his name in 1877, Hitler's name would have been "Adolf Schicklgruber."

16. After a total war economy was instituted in 1943, Hitler had the women's cosmetics industry gradually closed down rather than banned outright to avoid upsetting Eva Braun.

17. Hitler planned to collect thousands of Jewish artifacts to build the "Museum of An Extinct Race."

18. To foster infighting and maximize power, Adolf Hitler used to intentionally give contradicting orders to officers whose duties he knew would overlap.

19. Hitler accidentally bombed his nephew's house in Liverpool, so the nephew moved to the United States to fight with the Allies.

20. Hitler grew to hate soccer because it couldn't be fixed to ensure German victory over non-Germans.

21. Hitler wrote a second book after Mein Kampf in 1928. In it, he describes why he would go to war in Europe and how he admired US eugenics programs. It was never published because he feared it would hurt already-low Mien Kampf sales.

22. Hitler had a Jewish-Austrian doctor who didn't charge Hitler's family during his childhood due to their economic hardship. Because of this Hitler showed his "Everlasting Gratitude" by never sentencing him to a concentration camp, had him protected, by the Gestapo, and referred to him as "Noble Jew".

23. The plans to assassinate Hitler were canceled because it was feared his successor would be a more rational and effective leader.

24. When the battle of Stalingrad seemed lost for the Germans, Hitler expected his General, F. Paulus, to commit suicide. His response was: "I have no intention of shooting myself for this Bohemian corporal". Paulus surrendered on Feb 2, 1943.

25. Adolf Hitler never regarded the Chinese and Japanese as inferior to the Aryans. He thought that "their past history was superior to our own."

26. Hitler banned the Nobel Prize and created his own German National Prize for Art and Science and awarded one to Ferdinand Porsche, who developed the world's first hybrid car, as well as the Volkswagen Beetle. -

27. Hitler admired the Greek resistance to the invading German army so much that he ordered the release of all Greek POWs for "their gallant bearing."

28. The Nazi party tried to turn Christmas into a nonreligious holiday celebrating the coming of Hitler, with Saint Nicholas replaced by Odin the "Solstice Man" and swastikas on top of Christmas trees.

29. When the D-Day forces landed, Hitler was asleep. None of his generals dared send reinforcements without his permission, and no-one dared wake him.

30. A Jewish lawyer called Hans Litten put rising politician Adolf Hitler in the witness box and cross-examined him for 3 hours. Litten was later arrested when the Nazis came into power and was brutally tortured for 5 years until he committed suicide.

31. The stock broker hand signal for the Deutsche Bank is the index finger horizontally under the nose. Its origin: Hitler's mustache.

32. British intelligence planners seriously considered secretly administering small doses of estrogen into the food of Adolf Hitler, in order “to make his character less aggressive” and to make his mustache to fall off.

33. Hitler planned to reduce the “non-German population” in occupied countries by “persuading them that vaccination and the like are really most dangerous.”

34. Pope Pius XII, who is often criticized for not speaking forcefully against Hitler, supervised a rescue network which saved 860,000 Jewish lives, more than all the international agencies combined.

35. A German citizen trained his dog (named Adolf) to raise his right paw when he was given the command "Heil Hitler"; the man was later sentenced to five months in prison for violating Germany's ban on the Nazi salute

36. During WW2, captured German officers, sent to Britain as PoWs, lived in luxury in Trent Park. This was done to make them feel relaxed. However, they were being listened to by 100 ‘listeners.’ They revealed secrets about the holocaust, events in Berlin, Hitler’s madness and V2 rocket bases.

37. WWII German General Erwin Rommel refused to comply with Hitler’s order to execute Jewish PoWs.

38. In 1960, Israeli agents staked out a house in Argentina, suspecting Hitler henchman Adolph Eichmann and his family had relocated there. After watching him come and go for weeks, agents got their proof when he came home with a bouquet of flowers on Mar. 21 -- Eichmann's 25th wedding anniversary.

39. Hitler’s plan for Moscow after capturing it during WW2 was to kill all its residents and replace it with a lake.

40. After World War 1, French had the railway cars that Germany surrendered in stored in a museum. During World War 2, when France was preparing to surrender, Hitler ordered the walls of museum torn down and the railway cars returned to the exact spot of the 1918 armistice in order to humiliate the French.

41. The Allied operation to conceal the D-Day invasion involved fake radio traffic, double agents, an Australian actor, and fake invasion plans for Calais, Norway, the Mediterranean, and the Balkans. It was so effective Hitler believed the real invasion hadn't begun until seven weeks after D-Day.

42. Area 51 was/is an experimental airbase. The reason they guard it so closely isn't because of aliens but rather that it's the place they test very sensitive aircraft and similar things that have the potential to change warfare to a fundamental level. The SR-71 was developed there and tested many times. They also tried to develop a flying saucer (there is a video that shows someone driving a floating circular disk) that Hitler had also tried to develop. They didn't go through with it because the scientists decided that it the time would be wasted to try and make an actual high altitude one.

43. In 1931, after Texas Rangers barricaded a bridge spanning the Texas-Oklahoma border, Oklahoma Governer "Alfalfa Bill" Murray appeared at the site armed with a revolver, backed by the Oklahoma National Guard, to reopen the bridge. This bloodless "Red River Bridge War" even got the attention of Adolf Hitler.

44. Charlie Chaplin made his movie mocking Hitler with his own money because Hollywood was afraid of losing money if they took a stand.

45. The gun made popular by James Bond, the Walther PPK, is the same model that Hitler killed himself.

46. Under the Third Reich, Aryan mothers who devoted their lives to having children were awarded the Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter (Mother’s Cross) and were respected civil servants who were saluted on the streets by Hitler's Youth.

47. In Toronto, in 1933, an amateur baseball game broke out into a massive race riot when a group of Nazi sympathizers, protesting the Jewish players, unveiled a crude Swastika flag. A crowd of more than 10,000 citizens, excited by cries of ‘Heil Hitler’ became suddenly a disorderly mob.

48. There is only one recording of Hitler’s voice where he is not giving a speech. It is a private conversation between himself and Finnish leader Mannerheim recorded in secrecy by a sound engineer in 1942.

49. Charlie Chaplin considered pulling the plug on his movie "The Great Dictator" because he was worried that it might be banned or that people might not find mocking Hitler funny. When he heard about this, FDR sent Chaplin a message, urging him to make the movie.

50. Although allied with Japan, Hitler had planned to go to war against the "Yellow People" of Asia in an ultimate showdown (WWIII?) between Nazis and the Japanese Empire to see who would truly dominate the world after an Axis Victory.

51. The Hitlers were early pioneers of southern Ohio, including a local dentist named Dr. Gay Hitler.

52. After Hitler ordered the arrest and deportation of Denmark’s Jewish population in 1943, Danish citizens organized a massive evacuation of the Jews to neutral Sweden, despite the risks. In the end, 99% of Danish Jews survived the Holocaust.

53. Every single spy that Hitler thought he had in Britain was a double agent under British control.

54. Hitler whistled Disney’s “When You Wish Upon A Star” while overlooking the recently conquered city of Paris.

55. During WWII, the code word for "Hitler" was "Crazy white man" for the Comanche Code Talkers

56. In 1944, British submitted a full plan to kill Hitler during one of his routine, solitary walks. It was never carried out because Hitler was such a poor strategist that British realized his replacement could do a better job of defending from the Allies if he died.

57. The burnt remains of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were destroyed in 1970 by order of KGB head Yuri Andropov except for a few fragments of bone and skull, which were rediscovered in 1993. In 2009, DNA testing by University of Connecticut on the fragments confirmed they didn't belong to Hitler or Braun.

58. During the sentencing of his war crimes, Hermann Göring (one of Hitler's top officers) asked to be shot as a soldier and not hung as a common man. The court refused and instead he committed suicide with a potassium cyanide capsule smuggled into a fountain pen.

59. Hitler was arrested for High Treason in 1924, of which the punishment is usually execution. The judge granted him clemency; however, believing Hitler had good intentions.

60. “Reductio ad Hitlerum” is a term for trying to derail an argument by comparing it to Hitler’s or the Nazi party’s views.

61. Hitler’s doctor injected him with a solution of water and methamphetamine, which he called “vitamultin.” He kept a diary of the drugs he administered to Hitler, usually by injection (up to 20 times per day). The list included drugs such as heroin as well as poisons.

62. Hitler’s chief architect, Albert Speer, was an adherent of the “theory of ruin value”: the architectural goal of constructing buildings that later collapse into aesthetically pleasing ruins over the course of thousands of years.

63. In 1944, on the verge of the Liberation of Paris, Hitler ordered its governor to leave it in a “pile of rubble,” and destroy all religious and historical monuments. The Governor refused, saving Paris.

64. U.S. Congress brings up Hitler 7.7 times per month.

65. Hitler had captured Stalin’s son as a prisoner of war and offered to exchange him with a German Marshal prisoner. Stalin responded, “I will not trade a Marshal for a Lieutenant.”

66. Hitler was a creepy uncle to his Niece Geli Raubal, forbidding her to marry, having her accompanied everywhere and practically keeping her prisoner until she committed suicide in 1931, after which Hitler called her “The only woman he ever loved.”

67. In a poll of incoming Princeton University freshman in 1939, Adolf Hitler was chosen as the “greatest living person.” Albert Einstein who was a Princeton professor at the time came in second.

68. Under Hitler, wage-earners’ health care became unlimited, and maternity leave was extended to 12 fully paid weeks with job protection.

69. Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin were all nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

70. The tax office of Munich sent Hitler a fine of 405.494 Reichsmarks for not paying taxes nor properly declaring his income. Instead of paying the new Führer simply declared himself tax-exempt.

71. In WW2, an American popular culture trend resulted in people graffiti-ing “Killroy was here” across Europe, which convinced Hitler that Kilroy was a spy and Stalin even investigated trying to find out who Kilroy was.

72. Hitler was never elected. He lost the presidential election of 1932 before being appointed Chancellor in ‘33, succeeding Hindenburg upon his death in '34, thereafter abolishing the office of president entirely.

73. Adolf Hitler promised to end the use of tobacco in the military after the end of the war and encouraged his close friends not to smoke. He even began to offer a gold watch to any of his inner circle who could quit.

74. In the 1936 Olympics, promoted by Hitler to prove that whites are superior, Peru beat Austria 4-2 in soccer, even though they had 3 other goals nullified. Later, the Olympic Committee nullified the match and scheduled a rematch, to be taken under close grounds. Peru withdrew from the Olympics.

75. Adolf Hitler farted uncontrollably, used cocaine to clear his sinuses, ingested some 28 drugs at a time, and received injections of bull testicle extracts to bolster his libido.

76. Nazi Germany stockpiled huge quantities of nerve gas during World War II. It was ultimately never used since Hitler was told (incorrectly) that the Allies had their own supply of nerve agents.

77. Before Nazis used the salute that is now commonly referred to as the "Hitler salute," Americans did it while saying the Pledge of Allegiance

78. Hitler planned to rebuild Berlin after the war into a neo-roman cosmopolitan city. One state building, the Volkshalle was to be so massive, that it could rain inside during events due to 150,000 peoples' perspiration and breath.

79. In 1937, a natural gas leak at the local school in New London, Texas caused a massive explosion that killed more than 295 students and teachers, the deadliest school disaster in US history. Adolf Hitler even sent his condolences via telegram.

80. Hitler's doctor, Theodor Morell, was accused of being an allied sympathizer after it was found out that he had prescribed Hitler cocaine eye drops, methamphetamines, and E. Coli.

81. In 1919, a man named Michael Keogh stopped an angry mob of 200 men (some with bayonets) from killing two right winged political agents they were beating up. In 1930, at a Nuremberg rally, Keogh recognized one of the agents he had saved. It was Adolf Hitler.

82. Edelweiss Pirates were a loosely-organized group of youths in Nazi Germany dedicated to opposing the Hitler Youth. Their resistance included spreading ally propaganda in Germany, aiding German deserters, and even starting street fights with the Hitler Youth whenever possible.

83. When news of the Pearl Harbor attack arrived at Hitler’s headquarters, one of the assembled Nazi generals embarrassedly asked the rest of the group where Pearl Harbor was. Nobody was able to answer him and a world map had to be consulted.

84. When Nazi troops conquered Paris, the Kaiser (who was then living in exile) sent Hitler a telegram saying "Congratulations, you have won using my troops."

85. A warlord and nobleman who controlled a vast swath of Asia during the 14th century, Timur (aka Tamerlane) was renowned as a military tactician whose warfare killed some 17 million people. He was also a celebrated patron of architecture and the arts, however. In 1941, Joseph Stalin sent a team of archaeologists to open Timur’s tomb in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, much to the alarm of local residents and Muslim clergy. Upon opening Timur’s coffin, the team discovered an inscription: “Whoever opens my tomb shall unleash an invader more terrible than I.” Within a matter of hours, Adolf Hitler’s troops invaded Russia; an estimated 26 million people died as a result. In 1942, Stalin ordered Timur’s remains to be reinterred back in Samarkand in accordance with Islamic tradition; shortly thereafter, the German army surrendered at Stalingrad, ending their campaign against the Russians.

86. Hitler used to have a full-sized mustache but was ordered to trim it down to a 'toothbrush' during WWI to better accommodate wearing a gas mask.

87. Adolf Hitler was adamant about not using poison gas on the battlefield in WWII as a result of his exposure to it during WWI.

88. During World War II, there was a double agent named Juan Pujol Garcia, who started a spy network consisting of 27 sub-agents of his own, all of them nonexistent. He submitted expense reports for them and had the Nazis giving him money to pay their salaries. He later received the Iron Cross, approved by Hitler himself.

89. The Volkswagen Beetle was commissioned by Adolf Hitler. It was to be the "People's Car", which is where Volkswagen got its name.

90. In 1913, Hitler, Freud, Tito, Stalin, and Trotsky all lived within 2 square miles of each other in Vienna

91. Hitler had a relative called "Paddy Hitler" who ended up joining the US Navy, where, along with all recruits, he had to fill out a form listing any relatives who might be fighting for the enemy.

92. Hitler hid his relationship with Eva Braun because he believed that he was sexually attractive to women and wished to exploit this for political gain by remaining single, as he felt marriage would decrease his appeal

93. Hitler loved pranks. He once tricked a high ranking Nazi into thinking he was going on a suicide mission, causing him to escape, hand himself over to the allies and give up vital info.

94. Hitler's mustache style was popularly known as Rotzbremse, meaning 'snot brake'.

95. In his second book written in 1928, Hitler ranked the U.S. as the MOST dangerous potential enemy. He saw majority of Americans as "Aryans" ruled by Jewish plutocracy; he saw the UK as potential ally, Russians "incapable of intelligent thought" and France rapidly "Negroizing" itself

96. Adolf Hitler's nephew William Patrick Hitler served in the US Navy in World War II and was awarded a Purple Heart. After attempting to benefit from his uncle's rise to power in Germany, he turned against him and eventually settled in the USA

97. Orthocarbonic Acid is called "Hitler's Acid" because its molecular geometry resembles a swastika.

98. Wilhelm Furtwängler, a leading German conductor, called Hitler a "hissing street pedlar" and an "enemy of the human race". He also refused to give the Nazi salute, wrote public letters denouncing antisemitism, and once got into a shouting match with Hitler over Nazi cultural policy.

99. After Hitler announced the banning of all American films during the occupation of France, a theater owner reportedly screened Mr. Smith Goes to Washington continuously for 30 days.

100. During 1936 Berlin Olympic games, the Nazis ridiculed the US for relying on "non-human black auxiliaries." American black athlete Jesse Owens went on to win 4 gold medals and beat a German at Long Jump in front of Hitler. Four years after Owens' death, a street in Berlin was renamed after him.

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